Meet the Author: Tish Thomas (Epic paranormal and fantasy Romance Author)- Dark and Glittering Worlds

Meet the Author: Tish Thomas (Epic paranormal and fantasy Romance Author)- Dark and Glittering Worlds

Hello, dear readers!

I’m Tish Thomas, a contemporary Black female author in the fantasy romance genre, and an odd duck. I’m thrilled to share a bit about my journey and passion with you. As this will most likely be my first personal touchpoint with new readers, I’m going to be extremely candid and things might get a little real. So, let’s get the introduction underway.

Where Do I Get Off Thinking I Can Write as a Career?

Well, it was either this or the film industry. Not that there’s anything wrong with being an actress, I'm just not a good actress so it wasn’t my first choice. Neither was writing, initially. As a kid, I dreamed of becoming a fashion designer (a passion I’ve passed down to my oldest daughter). But the signs that I’d become an author were there all along.

I’ve been obsessed with journaling since the 2nd grade, collecting composition books and filling them with my thoughts, observations, and dreams. This obsession often got me in trouble for journaling in class. My exasperated 4th-grade teacher once told me, to my embarrassment, that I would be an author when I grew up because all I did was journal and daydream. At the time, it sounded like a life sentence of homework.

Looking back, stories have always been my saving grace. Growing up in less-than-ideal circumstances, books like R.L. Stine's Goosebumps, the Junie B. Jones series, and later Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles and Stephen King's entire back catalog were my escape. In middle school, I discovered I could write my own stories instead of waiting for assignments. That’s when my obsession with writing began. I wrote my first paranormal romance novel by hand in a series of spiral-bound notebooks, and much of my Dark Reunion series stems from those early works. I don’t know if I have any talent for it, I just know I have to write. We all have our thing!

Fitting in a quick writing sesh while I wait for my two baby girls' dismissal from their elementary school

Fitting in some writing while waiting for my babies school dismissal to start

Crafting Stories of Love and Magic

My works, including the Dark Reunion series, combine elements of fantasy and romance to create immersive, heart-stirring tales. As a Black female author in the fantasy genre, I strive to bring authenticity and depth to my characters, ensuring they reflect the diverse tapestry of our world. My stories often feature strong Black heroines and heroes, navigating epic adventures and profound love stories. It’s what I do!

Now for the Fun Stuff!

Ten Interesting Things About Me:

  1. I’m obsessed with space and alien conspiracies.
  2. I have a huge vintage horror book collection that takes up almost all the space under my bed.
  3. I’m an adult who still dresses up for Halloween. My last three costumes were Black Cat, Black Widow from Marvel Comics, and Wonder Woman. This year, I’ll be a Silver Power Ranger.
  4. I was born and raised in a very rural, very small backwater town in the Florida Panhandle. As a kid, I used to walk dirt roads and chew on the stalks of field weeds.
    • By age 12, my hillbilly accent was so thick my extended family in central Florida sometimes didn’t understand me.
  5. I am part of the Bachelor Nation in real life and virtually.
  6. I live with adult ADHD, which can be especially frustrating for creative folks.
  7. I once had a strange experience where I astral projected into my future life, then years later, experienced echoes of my projected self in waking life. But that’s a whole other blog post.
  8. I’m really, really bad at algebra.
  9. I dance exceptionally well to Whitney Houston.
  10. I was very close to joining my local police academy but didn’t after realizing I was pregnant with my first daughter.

Bonus* I'm obsessed with The Golden Girls. I own all the seasons on DVD, tons a of memorabilia... I won't even throw away this calendar I found in 2020!

Connecting with Fans of BWWM Books and Black Romance

I’m incredibly grateful for the support of readers who enjoy BWWM (Black woman, white man) books and Black romance. Your enthusiasm and love for these stories inspire me to keep writing and exploring new worlds. My goal is to offer you compelling narratives that celebrate love in all its forms and highlight the beauty of diverse relationships.

When I first discovered BWWM romance, I was definitely not supposed to be reading that sort of content. But as a fiercely independent teenager, I sought stories that represented me. Growing up with The Princess Diaries and Twilight, I struggled to find stories that reflected my experience as a young Black woman on the brink of adulthood. BWWM romance and urban lit with Black female leads showed me that there were plenty of women like me who wanted to feel seen. We fall in love, make others fall in love, and are courageous, badass, and beautiful. And like anyone else we turn to literature to explore ourselves, find meaning, and see our lives reflected. This is why black romance authors are needed, and why I take my role very, very seriously.

The Dark Reunion Series

My latest work, the Dark Reunion series, is a culmination of years of experience, practice, dreams, hardships, and belief. The crazy story of how I created this series deserves its own blog post. The series takes you on a thrilling journey through mystical lands, where romance blooms amidst dark mysteries and supernatural elements. With each book, I aim to transport readers to dark and glittering settings, like the Halcyon Sky District, filled with secrets and magic.

Stay Connected

I invite you to join me on this literary adventure by subscribing to my newsletter and following me on social media. Here, you’ll get the latest updates on my upcoming releases, exclusive content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into my writing process.

Thank you for being a part of my journey as a Black female author in fantasy romance. Your support and feedback mean the world to me. I look forward to sharing many more magical stories with you.

Happy reading!

Warm regards,

Tish Thomas